the dozey lumps

the dozey lumps were originally formed in 1989 as an acoustic guitar duo working in the new standard tuning for guitar. during the period 1989 - 1992 they composed and performed a unique and unusual repertoire of songs combining elements of beauty, dissonance and humor. the dozey lumps ceased performing in 1992 as their interest shifted to a new endeavor, the ambient electronic band bindlestiff.

now for the first time ever, the newly digitally remastered full version of "perelandra":
from SSC3400 "one lump or two?" (1991/1992) 2.9MB High Fidelty 16Khz 80 Kbps stereo RealAudio file
"perelandra" was one of the last pieces that the dozey lumps composed just prior to their reorganization as the ambient electronic band bindlestiff. the piece clearly evidences the more serious, melodic side of the band. this stark acoustic guitar duet, the only known complete take of the track, was recorded live on january 26, 1992. the song's delicate intro and outro are contrasted by the remarkable mostly improvised middle section...a song too difficult to execute, but demanding an entrance into the world nonetheless. digitally remastered in january 1998.

by way of contrast, here is another track, this time featuring the lighter side of the dozey lumps:
from SSC3400 "one lump or two?" (1991/1992) 1.6MB High Fidelty 16Khz 80 Kbps stereo RealAudio file
"never a dual moment" was a performance staple for the dozey lumps throughout their performance years. this remarkable tune demonstrates a fascinating use of the new standard tuning, inventing chords and odd dissonant melodies in a very unique way. as with all dozey lumps recordings, this is the sound of two guitars recorded live to tape. digitally remastered in january 1998.

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